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B Models - Amazonian Tree Trunks

About this category

Amazonian-themed custom 3D aquarium backgrounds are one of our most popular models.
These models are for those who keep species such as Central American or South American cichlids. Also, they are especially popular with Discus fish keepers. We recommend them for larger aquariums. They are more massive than A models – around 20-22 cm (8″-9″) in the widest parts.

About this category

Amazonian-themed custom 3D aquarium backgrounds are one of our most popular models.
These models are for those who keep species such as Central American or South American cichlids. Also, they are especially popular with Discus fish keepers. We recommend them for larger aquariums. They are more massive than A models – around 20-22 cm (8″-9″) in the widest parts.