Dive into a world of natural beauty with Aquadecor Backgrounds' stunning range of aquarium decorations. Our collection features an array of meticulously crafted, lifelike artificial items designed to enhance the visual appeal of your underwater parad...
Choose one of the Additional items categories...
D Models - Logs, Leaves, Driftwood, Rocks and Roots
H Models – Artificial Reefs
J Models - Protective Rubber Mats for Cichlid Aquariums
M Models - Magnetic Rocks
O Models - Internal Filters for Aquariums - AQUAFIL-BIO
P Models - Rocky Bottom Mats
Q Models - Decorations for small and Nano Aquariums
R Models - Tree Trunks
S Models - Back Panel Roots
Starter Sets
T Models - Big Amazonian Roots
V Models - Centerpiece Decorations
Z Models - Plants