The maximum height of the logs in the set is 70 cm (28″). If you want them shorter, please specify the height you would like. If not specified, their height will be 70 cm (28″).
D 1 - Standing roots
D 1 Plus - Standing roots
D 2 - Standing logs
D 3 - Standing logs
D 4 - Logs
D 5 – Rocks
D 6 – Rocks(floating)
D 7 - Slim Bamboo Standing Logs
D 7 - Bamboo Standing logs
D 8 - Thin roots
D 9 - Catappa leaves
D 10 - Slim Standing Logs
D 10 - Standing logs
D 10 Plus - Standing logs
D 11 - Driftwood
D 12 - Driftwood
D 13 - Driftwood
D 14 - Driftwood
D 15 - Driftwood
D 16 - Thin logs
D 17 – Rocks
D 18 – Rocks
D 21 – Rocks
D 22 - Tree trunk with moss
D 23 - Large branch with moss
D 24 - Standing logs
D 25 - Corals
D 27 - Rocks
D 29 - Standing logs
D 30 - Standing logs
D 33 Plus - Amazonian roots with Moss
D 33 - Amazonian roots
D 34 - Fallen green leaves
D 35 - Green Catappa leaves
D 36 - Ragged Catappa leaves
D 37 - Driftwood
D 41 – Rocks
D 42 – Rocks
D 43 – Rocks
D 44 – Rocks
D 45 - Standing logs
D 46 - Standing logs
D 47 - Rocks
D 48 – Rocks
D 49 – Logs with moss